Happy 4th of July, Hope You Remember Why

PhillyNORML would like to extend a happy 4th of July to you and your friends and loved ones.

We hope you all remember why we’re celebrating this! It’s not the fireworks, the food, or the music being belted out at the Parkway… it’s our Inalienable Rights to Life, Liberty, and Happiness which some fool who thought he had “divine right” believed could take away from human beings. Guess what? While not nearly as messed up as what King George did (to people they’d consider citizens or subjects), some of the things OUR government is doing/has done are getting very close. #1 on that list is the Prohibition of marijuana, which our government and police knowingly and willingly use as a tool to violate the very Rights that those we celebrate fought (and in many cases, died) for!

The frog’s been in the water almost to the boiling point, but is waking up to recognize that what Prohibition represents is nothing less than WAR on the People. We will not sit by while those in power continue to criminalize this one harmless thing for such arbitrary and unreasonable excuses, deny the science and research, and turn a blind eye to the suffering their Policy creates even in light of its complete and utter FAILURE – MEANWHILE knowing full well the dangers and pitfalls of Prohibition from when Government believed it could prohibit alcohol and then REPEALED it because it was such a bad idea. People aren’t free or happy when they’re rotting in jail for being in possession of a plant, and in many cases these human beings lose their LIVES. IT IS INTOLERABLE and we will not allow our children and our childrens’ children to suffer this morally wrong and harmful policy and what it represents.

Those in the position to directly make change – be them Republican, Democrat, “Independent”, Green, Libertarian, Governors, Representatives, Senators, Presidents, Mayors, or City Council members – need to get past the hypocrisy, get over their baseless fears of political retribution, suck it up, and do the right thing. The same thing that Hancock, Franklin, Washington, Adams, and all those willing to fight and die for their freedom have done.

Our government can no longer afford to allow Prohibition to distract us from serious threats to our Nation and planet. Let’s not continue to make the same mistake over and over. It’s time to legalize marijuana, for all adults, for all its ridiculous number of uses, and YOU and I have the responsibility to make it happen NOW.

If your elected officials say no, make it a public argument. It’s one they will lose and we will win. Meet with city council members or your State or Federal Representatives, and bring up the topic for debate. Write letters to the editor of all the local and statewide newspapers and blogs. Help us raise the $30,000 we need for a TV ad campaign to educate and convince others of the pitfalls of prohibition and benefits of re-legalization. Whatever you do, now is the time because there will be no other.

We hope you had a safe and fun Independence Day.

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